Waterfront Composite Solutions –
Creative, Innovative, Comprehensive
comprehensive design solutions to the composites industry
WCS is a world-leading composite structural solutions provider to the composites industry. We’ve
provided engineered solutions to naval architects, yacht builders and stylists ranging from racing record breaking catamarans
to luxury yachts, both power and sail.
Creative The design process is a creative one: One that is malleable, deformable, artistic. Every one of our
solutions begins with the end in mind. We constantly ask ourselves “What’s the goal?” and integrate the
answers into the finished product. We’ve never provided a solution simply because it’s worked in the past. Relying
on decades of experience, knowledge and past results, we provide integrated designs that not only extend the boundaries of
the traditional, but push the limits of what’s possible.
Innovative Can we make it stronger? Faster? Lighter? Easier to build?
Think outside of the box: Innovation is the key.
Keep what works, discard or improve what doesn’t. It keeps you ahead of your competitors whether it’s winning
the race or lowering the price. Irrespective of whether it’s stronger, faster, lighter or less-expensive,
our process is the same: Engineer a solution that embodies all of your requirements and raises the bar for everyone that follows.
We’ll go further to meet your needs
than every other firm out there. While others’ may simply provide an engineering concept, we prefer to go further. We
can work with your stylists, outfitters, mechanical engineers, systems installers or anyone else to provide a turn-key solution
that fits your needs. From complete construction documentation sets, classification approvals, or advice on materials selection
and supply, we’ll help you focus on what you do best whether it’s refitting or racing.
designs are always “right-sized” for the desired end result. Designing a yacht structure to win a round-the-world race presents
a different set of requirements than a mass-produced sportfisher. Materials properties, construction methodology, build-cycle
time and budgetary constraints all play a vital role in the complete engineering result. We understand high-modulus carbon
pre-preg fulfills a different role than hand-lay wet E-glass. Working with you, we’ll never sell you a solution that
is more than you need, but one that always exceeds your expectations.
We use our toolbox as a tool, not a solution.
Defining versus refining: that is the question.
Whether it’s complete 3D CAD modeling, finite element analysis, hydrodynamic or aerodynamic analysis, we only use these
tools to prove out an already matured solution, not to provide the solution itself.
employ sound fundamental knowledge and experience to define a design, period. Our toolbox is only used to prove or refine
the design, not to provide one.
“Basic” design provides a great solution, our intimate knowledge of the tools allow us to provide an exceptional